
At the top of the stairs, there is a door. It is my door. Behind the door lies a room so dark that no light can illuminate it. I tried, with a candle, and then with two candles, and then with a battery-powered “maglite” torch. Nothing! I wasn’t prepared to give up, though. This was MY house, after all – why should I be beaten by the most intense darkness? I pretended I was wearing a blindfold. That I could pull it away from my eyes any moment and emerge into light and vision. This kept me sane and sensible as I stepped into the room, one leg at a time.

I didn’t feel it straight away, but as I strode into the darkness it became more and more obvious that the floor was beginning to pulse and oscillate; just slightly at first, but asĀ  I reached what I estimated to be the centre of the room – based on the dimensions of the rest of the house, and the desperate hope that the laws of space applied here – I felt like I was in the middle of an earthquake. Panicked, I reached for my blindfold, only to realise that there was no blindfold… just the darkness. Turning wildly for the door, I saw it. Glowing in the darkness, and blocking my path.

“Hello”, it said. I screamed, and that is the last thing that I remember. Where am I now?